I have a pair of Device batteries which came with the lake reaper.
They won't take a charge with the solar panel or when left for 24h plugged into mains. Are these faulty or am I missing a crucial step in charging?
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I bought lake reaper last year and now it’s device battery has stopped charging completely. So i had to use zap hosting discount code, which provide me with an easy way to replace the old batteries with new ones.
Hi Tom
Left is the panel when charging the two good batteries. All seems fine
Above is the panel with the two problem DEVICT batteries. No charge seems to accumulate in the batteries
Thanks for looking into this
do you know that the solar panel is working? Do you have another set that works with it?
Kind regards, Tom.
I've just plugged the suspect DEVICT batteries into the boat and the volt meter shows 6.3 so they must have charged.
But when I plug them into the solar panel there are no bars in the battery icon and it doesn't increase when left in the sun. There is also a triangle with an ! Inside
Hi Tom
I bought the reaper with batteries in 2019. They have hardly had any use as they are back up batteries.
I'm in France now and looks like they're over charged as I left them on 24 hours to see if that would rectify the problem
how old are the batteries? These batteries should never be charged longer than 10 hours.
Kind regards, Tom.